Hi guys. Welcome to our web page. We have created this page for you, so you would be able to find everything about us and what we are up to very easily in one place.
We are just two ordinary people from little country called Slovakia. Our names are Miki and Katka.
We are both creative souls, so in free time we started to work on the shooting.
Miki’s job is shooting, editing photos, filming and movie editing. Katka takes care of the preparation for a photoshoot and also filming and movie & photo editing.
She likes taking photos too, and mainly drawing illustrations.
You can see Katka’s work here:
(5760x3840px if it’s not cropped photo)
We get a lot of requests about full-resolution photos. We have been looking for a way how to give them to you. We are sorry we don’t give them out for free, but every photo takes a lot of work, time and effort.
We are thankful there are so many people following our work. And very grateful for your beautiful words, likes and everything.. We are sorry if we don’t reply to all of your comments. It doesn’t mean, we don’t care. Our English is not very good and also we don’t have much time, but we do read every single one of them and they really do mean a lot to us. Thank you all for being a part of our team, for all your support, for helping us to grow and become better in what we do and love. All you guys are making our days more special. You are amazing. Thank you ♥
all right reserved • created 2019 by Miobi Studio